How do you show up?

How do you show up every day to your life? The Tragically Hip, No Dress Rehearsal, This is Life, is oh so true! How often, if ever, do you think about this? This topic is coming up a lot these days, and for good reason. Whether you are an employee, a leader, a business owner, a parent, a teacher or a young person still in school, how you show up matters. 

I have to admit; I've been guilty of being present in the body and absent in mind at different times and in different scenarios in my life. However, at this age and stage, when I have to look in the mirror and face the fact that more of my life is in my rear view than in front of me, I'm starting to think about these things more. 

It is something that we should all spend some time thinking about, hopefully, sooner, rather than later. My Grandfather, the wise old Scot, used to say that "youth was wasted on the young" which I kind of disagree with, but I also get where he was coming from. He would also say "too soon old, too late smart", which may also be questionable, but very understandable. Why were these statements ever made Because as we get older and wiser, we realize and treasure all that life has to offer. When we are younger, we somehow think ourselves invincible. Although, today I am concerned about our young people more and more.  We who have a few gray hairs need to pour wisdom, love, and kindness into our youth, constantly. The world has demands on them that we could not have conceived of. What you give to the world is more important than what you get. And when you give, you always reap the rewards. 

My husband and I used to lead a group of young people and recently a very amazing young man, who used to be in one of our groups, thanked me for those days. I was happy to hear that from him but at the same time, I wanted him to know that the group themselves were our thanks as our lives were, without question, richer because of them. 

I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of very wise women recently where we talked about wisdom coming from every single experience in life, whether good or not so good. It's up to us if we choose to recognize it, harness it and put it to good use. 

So when I talk about showing up, that is really what I mean. If you show up, I mean really show up to everything you do every day, you will learn, grow and be enriched beyond measure. If you asked yourself the question every morning, what am I going to learn today and how am I going to teach today, wow, it would be a wonderful world! 

So why is this so hard to do? So much of life is fleeting. If you are in a career, you spend more time at work than you do with your family. How will you make the most of your day today? What practices have you put in place that will ensure you re fully present throughout the day? 

As a leader, you know who your team members are that are engaged, all in and are high performers, high contributors. How are you modeling what you want to see in your team? Are you distracted when they pop by to ask you a quick question or do you stop what you are doing an make eye contact and give them what they deserve, which is your whole attention? I have been guilty of getting that tap on the door, where I'm halfway through an email and say, hang on, I just need to finish this and then I'm not really listening when the person comes to share their question/problem/concern. Poor leadership on my part! 

Yes, there are a million details to attend to on a daily basis and yes, we live in a world or a culture where more is not really more because we have overloaded ourselves into a constant frenzy of hyper-busy, hyper overextended, physically, emotionally, intellectually, financially and every other way possible. 

I'm here to tell you more is not better! If the cost of your riches is your health or wellness, it is not worth it. If the cost of your frenzied lifestyle is wreaking havoc on your marriage or your parenting, also not worth it. We could all stand to give up half of our activities and "stuff". All of that activity and stuff is not making us better people and in fact, is more likely cluttering up your head beyond all comprehension! 

The old adage, less is more rings true. I don't know how we have gotten to this manic state! We are already paying a high price in our society. Mental illness is at an epidemic state and starts younger and younger. When will be wake up and smell the coffee? 

I actually do mean to sound the alarm bell people. Do you have what it takes to pare own, stop striving and give yourself the capacity to show up to your own life instead of doing a cameo appearance in your own life as you are thinking about what you have to do next, without stopping and living in the moment that you are in? 

Sometimes I think I'm sounding really "old"...however, if I'm old and wise, then maybe worth thinking about this - right? 

I offer you a few challenges for this week...

Start tomorrow morning before you get out of bed, just doing a few deep breaths, be grateful for the day ahead and commit yourself to being present in your daily activities. 

Start to think about one thing that you can STOP doing this week to give yourself space in your mind to be present in your day. 

Bring this topic up at a team meeting, whether you are the leader or not (we are all leaders by the way), and start a dialogue about how we "show up".

Do the same thing at home with your family over your family dinner or your family time. OK, your kids might roll their eyes at you, but if they "catch" you doing it - they will appreciate it! 

Actions speak louder than words. 

Enjoy your day, all day, every day! You will make more of a difference in the lives of others when you are experiencing joy in your own life. 

Let me know how you are doing with this, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 

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